The next meeting of the Parish Council takes place at 7.15 pm on Thursday 28 September in Llanymynech Village Hall.
Local residents are invited to bring local matters to the attention of councillors.
1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. To receive Apologies for absence.
2 Public Participation
a) Police report
b) Shropshire Council report
c) Matters raised by the public
3 DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST OR BIAS. In accordance with section 29 of the
Localism Act 2011 Members are personally responsible for deciding whether or not they should disclose an interest where a matter arises which directly relates to them. They should not participate in any discussion nor vote on the matter and must not remain in the room unless granted a Dispensation to do so
4 HIGHWAY MATTERS. Letter received from resident of Station Road, Llanymynech
5 COUNCILLOR RESIGNATION. Letter of resignation from Cllr Allcock for health reasons.
6 VYRNWY FRANKTON CONNECTION. Proposals for new substation and overhead line.
7 MINUTES to confirm Minutes of the meeting held on the 27.7.23 (attached).
8 PLANNING. To comment on or note planning applications as follows: None to hand.
a) To note the statement of expenditure v budget to Sep 2023.
b) To authorise payments made as shown on list below totalling 4,032.37
10 COMMUNITY CAFE . Request for financial support of Warm Space Community Cafe .
11 EXTERNAL AUDIT. Report from PKF Littlejohn on External Audit.
12 KGV FIELD, LLANYMYNECH. (a) Entrance gate security. (b) Football Club Storage.
13 COUNCILLOR or CLERK REPORTS ON LOCAL ISSUES. To bring any items to the
notice of the Council, or reports on training or meetings attended.
14 RIGHTS OF WAY. To consider any related items.
15 REMEMBRANCE DAY. To agree arrangements for Commemoration.
16 SHROPSHIRE & D-DAY 80 – 6TH JUNE 2024. Planning for 80th Anniversary of D Day by
lighting of 80 beacons per county.
17 ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS. Cllrs opportunity to request items for next Agenda.
18 Council in Private Session. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
Pursuant to Section 1(2) of the above Act and due to the confidential nature of the
following business to be transacted it will be PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED
that the public and press should not be present.
19 Rockwell Meadow Matters.